Our EnviMailer treated Laminate Begins to Break Down in a Landfill once it comes into Contact with Heat, Oxygen & Microorganisms
ISO 17025 Certified ASTM D551-18 Biodegradable Product
Ingredients in the organic additives used to treat the laminate allow the formation of a biofilm coating on the plastic film. The biofilm is made up of colonies of microorganisms that penetrate the plastic and send out a chemical signal to attract other microbes found in nature. Together, they feast on the polymer chains, breaking down the chemical bonds. This results in a rapid acceleration of the biodegradation process when compared to untreated plastic material.
*Biodegradation rates were measured according to the ASTM D5511 test method. Tests were conducted using 20% to 30% solids content; solids content in naturally wetter landfills range from 55% to 65%, while the driest landfills may reach 93%. Actual biodegradation rates will vary in biologically-active landfills depending on temperature, solid content, and moisture levels of the landfill.
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