
Our New Mover program will replace customers who’vemoved while welcoming new families to the area.

All New Mover postcards mail with First Class postage to ensure you will be one of the first to welcome your new customers to the neighborhood. Our beautiful, full color, credit card thick STRONG mailers are sure to make a great 1st impression.


  1. Mail it Direct will identify the available qty of new movers within a specific radius around your business.
  2. Select the qty of new movers you would like to target each month that fits your budget.
  3. Work with our in house design team to customize your creative and offer.
  4. Sit back and welcome all your new neighbors.

Request New Mover Counts In Your Area

Fill out the form below & a New Mover Specialist will contact you with counts.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.